Thursday, February 28, 2019

SYTLE - COSPLAY COMES TO LIFE! Superhero Capes & Tights as Regal City Wear; HOW?!?!?

by M Jvlian Simmons

At first, it may not seem plausible for this to catch on but when you think about all the styles already in-play or that have passed (eg., hoodies, long scarves, pins & broaches/talismans, the thick or double-wrapping "superbelts", skinny jeans, stretch denim, knee-high boots, Uggs, fanny packs, boxing shoes, ski masks, & goggles, nerd/geek glasses with no lenses, chokers, headbands, Underarmor & thermals,  scrubs, etc.), it then becomes a bit easier to imagine a hood here or a cloak there, a family/crew chevron and heraldry that doesn't replace or eclipse natural urban wardrobe but rather seamlessly incorporates itself into it, giving a more unique perspective into the nature of its wearer (also because their garments wouldn't be found in commercial stores but from private artisans so their choice of "costuming" would indeed be unique). 

This feature is from a comic convention where there was more lectures given. I was rather captivated by this expository look at what they call "THE BOYS IN THE HOODS" and the "URBAN DANDY" ("Dandy", a term coined by Beau Brummel, the infamously well-dressed inventor of the "black pant suit" to which being a 'dandy' was a pretty bad-a**ed thing to be at the time). 

These days, its called having "swag(gar)" or "drip".
Brummel often held morning classes so that men of means could learn how to dress like him.
Enjoy the feature, then check out our STYLE section in the LINKS!

*CAPES also is short for "capabilities".

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